Reducing Insured Risks in UK Forests and Woodlands Research Fund
The Scottish Forestry Trust has partnered with QBE Insurance Group and Tilhill Forestry clients in order to support research projects that will help to reduce insured risks in UK forests and woodlands. Projects supported will include those that address the following issues:
Prediction and mitigation of the risk from storm damage and fire in woodlands, including losses due to windthrow, stem snap and degrade of timber.
Improving the quality and/or reducing the cost of restocking operations. This could include investigations arond ground preparation techniques; tree breeding programmes; weevil and other pest control; deer control; and weeding regimes.
The scheme is subject to the SFT’s general applicant guidance (except for section 3 as funds are more limited). If your project fits within the scope of reducing insured risks but you aren't sure if it fits with the specified criteria above please contact SFT Director to discuss your project.
The application form for the Reducing Insured Risks Research Fund is available here.
Applications will be considered according to the timetable shown here.
Successful applicants should note our requirements following approval and should notify the SFT Director of any change in circumstances relating to the project.
This research fund is supported by:-