Shaping the Future of Forestry
Carried out by: Sylva Foundation
Summary Description:
This project helps to support the undertaking of another in the series of British Woodland Surveys carried out by the Sylva Foundation in partnership with Forest Research and the Universities of Oxford and Bangor.
The survey will include engagement of landowners, scientists and policy makers throughout Britain which ultimately will lead to the production of the survey results in 2017, gathering state of the art intelligence about British forestry and will disseminate the results widely.
Timescale: 2016-2017
SFT Funds Awarded: £15,000
Project Outcomes:
- Four country workshops were held in early 2017 (Yr1-Objective 3): Grantham, Oxford, Machynlleth, and Edinburgh, with a total of 48 stakeholders. Priority themes for the GB plus England, Scotland and Wales were identified. FR social scientists attended and led qualitative research during these. - An Advisory Panel was convened representing key stakeholders (organisations and individuals) with 19 delegates. The main online survey was launched during the summer and autumn of 2017. - Responses to the main survey were received from 1,631 people, distributed across the UK. The majority of respondents were private woodland owners, who together with 180 forestry agents, represented control of 3,629 woodland properties covering 645,370 hectares. The response represented 28% of all private sector woodland area in the UK (2.30Mha), and one-fifth of the total UK woodland area (3.17Mha). - A 32-page report of the survey has been drafted.